Flood Insurance

Welcome to the Town of
Perdido Beach, Alabama
9212 County Road 97
Perdido Beach, AL  36530

Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) and

Flood Insurance Study (FIS) (Preliminary)

We are pleased to announce that the Town has received and has available preliminary copies of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Study for Baldwin County, Alabama and Incorporated Areas for your review and comments.

The FIS report for Baldwin County describes the flood hazard information updates made to the FIRM and FIS report and the source information used in making the updates.

Preliminary copies are available for review at Town Hall-located at 9212 County Rd 97-Perdido Beach, Alabama. Also FEMA has posted digital copies of the revised FIRM and FIS report material and supporting database on the following page of the Map Service Center:

www.fema.gov/preliminaryfloodhazarddata   or


The review period provides community officials and citizens in the affected communities with an opportunity to identify changes or corrections to non-technical information, such as corporate limits, road names, and stream names on the FIRM or in the FIS report.

Comments may be sent to the Mapping Partner, c/o Wanda M. Ervin, ADECA Office of Water Resources, Post Office Box 5690, Montgomery, AL 36103-5690.  Please submit comments no later than 30 days from this notice.

All comments and changes received during this review period will be incorporated, as appropriate, before the FIRM and FIS report become effective.
FFEMA letter dated July 31, 2017
Thank you For Your Participation   *     Posted this 26th Day of July 2017