Beautification /Building and Grounds | 2nd Tuesday each month 6:30 pm |
Budget and Finance Committee | 2nd Tuesday each month 4:30 pm |
Public Works Committee | 2nd Tuesday each month 6:30 pm |
Safety Committee | 2nd Tuesday each month 6:30 pm |
- There is not a leash law in Baldwin County, however; there is a containment law.This means that your dog must be contained on your property. If you have an issue with an animal please contact:
Animal Control (251) 972-6834 Sheriff Office (251) 937-0202 Emergency (251) 911 BALDWIN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY (BARC)
In order to minimize pet over-population and reduce euthanasia as a means of animal control, pet owners are encouraged to get their dogs and cats fixed.The Baldwin County Humane Society (BARC!) is the only agency providing a low cost spay/neuter program for all of Baldwin County. Discount vouchers are available to Baldwin County residents who rescue or adopt a homeless animal.“We want purchasing spay/neuter vouchers to be convenient for Baldwin County residents in the Bay Minette vicinity” remarked Nancy Martin, BARC! Office Staff. “We were pleased when Judy Wilkins and the staff at North Baldwin Animal Shelter (NBAS) wanted to participate.”Beverly Poiroux, NBAS Assistant Director, recently gave Martin a tour of the private no-kill shelter located that opened in June 2010.The public can purchase discount spay/neuter vouchers from NBAS at 1700 McMeans Avenue in Bay Minette Monday thru Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. Call 251.937.8811 for more information.
- For voucher rates to get your dog or cat fixed and a list of 29 participating vets in the discount spay/neuter program, click here or call the BARC! office at 251.928.4585.

Current Mosquito Control from the Baldwin County Health Department. Currently, the health department is distributing larvicide briquets that were purchased through funds from the Baldwin County Commission. these briquets are used to kill mosquitoes in the larval stage. they can be used in areas where water stands, such as ponds, ditches, low or swampy areas. Larvicide is distributed upon request to residents of Baldwin County, who are 18 or older, along with precautions and instructions for use.
Baldwin County Integrated Mosquito Management Program
Alabama Department of Public Health
St. Andrews by the Sea Church:
Sunday Worship 10:00 AM
2022 Holiday Schedule
Christmas Holidays Dec 24, 25, 2021
New Year’s Holiday Jan 01, 2022
MLK’s Birthday Jan 17, 2022
President’s Day Feb 21, 2022 George Washington-Thomas Jefferson Birthdays
Mardi Gras Day Mar 01, 2022
Good Friday April 15, 2022
National Memorial Day May 30, 2022
Juneteenth June 19, 2022
Independence Day July 04, 2022
Labor Day Sept 05, 2022
Columbus Day Oct 10, 2022 Fraternal Day-American Indian Heritage Day
Veteran’s Day Nov 11, 2022
Thanksgiving Nov 24-25, 2022
As Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the office will be closed on Monday, December 26, 2022
As New Year’s Day falls on Sunday, the office will be closed on Monday, January 02, 2023
Bulk Trash Pickup
Dear Resident/Property Owner:
It is that time of the year that the Town will begin mowing the rights-of-way and there are several trash piles roadside that need to be cleaned up so the mowers can properly mow and trim.
This letter is to inform you concerning procedures and responsibility for private waste, including yard waste, bulky waste and white goods. The town has an agreement with Baldwin County Solid Waste to collect private waste on an individual account basis. There is no other means of waste collection available to the town’s residents and property owners.
It is the responsibility of each resident and/or property owner to dispose of private waste. Most residents/property owners have an account with Baldwin County Solid Waste and are eligible for “yard waste, bulky waste and white goods” pickup. Following are the Baldwin County Regulations:
Bulky Waste – furniture, appliances, mattresses, auto tires and carpet.
Construction and demolition debris will not be picked up.
White Goods – refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, air conditioners and other large appliances.
Swing sets, fence wire, etc. do not qualify as household items and are not picked up.
Yard Waste- Material resulting from landscape maintenance, including but not limited to grass clippings, leaves, twigs, etc.
Tree trunks or limbs over (2) inches in diameter are not considered yard waste.
- Tires are limited to a total of (6) per quarter.
- Yard Waste is limited to (2) cubic yards per household per pickup.
- Rules allow for only (2) White/Bulky and (2) Yard Waste pickups per quarter.
The Solid Waste Department will collect White Goods, Bulky Waste and Yard Waste from residential customers on a call for service basis. This service is provided for those items listed above that are generated from residential use of the property but does not include items generated from a business.
Your residential garbage account must be current to take advantage of these services at no charge. If your account is past due or you have no account then you may still dispose of these items by bringing them to the landfill and paying the normal scale fees.
PLEASE CALL: (251) 972-6878, (251) 937-0249 (251) 990-4621 – Ext. 6825.